About Me

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What I'm going to do to make today a good day

I'm going to spread some Christmas cheer, that's what I'm going to do! I LOVE Christmas.. SO. VERY. MUCH. Today I'm giving all my A Day teachers their presents, and I'm also giving my Secret Santa a homemade scarf and chocolate! I LOVE CHRISTMAS SO MUCH. I WANT TO SING CHRISTMAS CAROLS ALL DAY LONG! Oh, I'm wearing my reindeer antlers too--they have twinkle lights on them! They are so amazing! Rachel said they were very stylish :)


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What car would I be and why?

I honestly do not know anything about cars, but I think I would be a Beetle! A hot pink one, to be exact. Beetles are cute and tiny, and I really want one. If I was born a car, I would probably be a tiny Beetle speeding the streets with my awesome headlights. Also, I would have a funny horn that meows or something! Speaking of cats, I would be besprinkled with Hello Kitty stickers and Hello Kitty car accessories. Best car ever!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Life on other planets

I DEFINITELY remember doing this journal topic before, but I'm going to talk about it anyway. I believe in aliens-- yes, maybe that makes me a lunatic, but we can't really expect to the the only lifeforms in the entire universe. Aliens are just too smart (or too tiny) for us to find and just because we can't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there. Now off to finish my newspaper stories!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

If I could be anywhere in the world right now, where would I be?

If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would definitely be in my bedroom. Fast asleep. Swathed in the warmth of multiple blankets.
I completed THE most INTENSE all-nighter the world has ever seen yesterday.
I worked on my AP World History project from 2 pm to 6 am.
Well... besides five-minute pee breaks and ten-minute lunch/dinner breaks...
*Slaps face with a tuna fish*

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Should everyone be treated equally all the time?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! There are some people in this world that are kind of nasty, and obviously, you don't treat them the same as normal people. I'm not saying that you have to be mean back, but just stay away from them and keep them from filling your life with misery and woe... Just saying. Anyway, the same applies for robbers and mass murderers: don't go around being polite to shady-looking people.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Who is my favorite performing artist and why?

I loooooove Taylor Swift. NO, not because I couldn't think of anyone else (and no not because I'm trying to suck up to you, Ms. Merrill :P), but because she's just so... ARGH! She's amazing! She is GORGEOUS, talented, sincere, and she LOVES her fans. I think that she is a real-life fairytale princess, and I want to be her... SHE IS SO PERFECT, and I bet that she leaves a train of GLITTER wherever she goes... I love her songs! Today was a Fairytale, Enchanted and Love Story are three of my favorites :) I wish that I could live in one of her music videos. They feel so magical... And the DRESSES she wears are AMAZING!!! Especially the one she wears in the Wonderstruck commercial. I pretty much DIED because it was so gorgeous! Yeah, T Swizzle is the bomb.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

If I created a college, what classes would I offer?

If I created a college, it would be the most FUN college ever!

The first class to be offered is "How to Kill Geometry with your Bare Hands." This class will feature anti-Geometry campaigns, and lessons on ripping every Geometry-related paper/book in the land. Our motto? "I Hate Geometry and it Needs to Die."

On a lighter note, the University of Bianca will offer a variety of less violent courses. Dress Making is the perfect class for aspiring designers and those with a flair for sewing. Students in this class might be interested in Unicorn Costume Making, where students will be schooled in the fine art of making unicorn costumes.

It is important to make the most out of your life, hence the class "How to Make the Most of your Life." This class will show you how to live every day as if it were the last. Best of all, we will have parties. Which leads us to the class, "Why you Shouldn't Drink or Do Drugs - Hint: You die."

That's the University of Bianca!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mind reading!

Why? Why would the government need to know my thoughts? Here's the answer: THEY DON'T. They already force me to do things against my will... THEY DON'T NEED TO KNOW THE JUNK I THINK ABOUT. I mean, what would they even do with that kind of information? I'm pretty sure nothing useful will come out of my mind... If something did, then I would probably just say it out loud, you know? Anyway I don't think the government needs any more power than it already has... Mind reading? Really? That's like, one more unnecessary thing to worry about in my life. THE MAN IS OUT TO GET ME.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What does it mean for a person to be loyal?

A loyal person sticks by a friend no matter what. Through thick and thin, a true friend will always be there. A loyal friend sticks up for a buddy no matter WHAT it'll do to their social status! Loyal friends are the best, and these people are the only people you should stick around.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Would I live in day or night forever?

I'd live in the daytime!! Nighttime is so scary... If it was night forever I would crawl in a blanket and cry. I'm a summer-springy type of person, and I like sunshine. The sun makes me happy and I want to be in it forever!

Friday, November 4, 2011


YESSSSS!!! It's here! The day I've been waiting for for the past like two months of my life. This past "five" six weeks have been not that awesome for me, and I just want to START ALL OVER! I'm going to rehabilitate myself this weekend... Re-AWESOME-UH-FYING myself! Also, next week is my birthday, and that's always fun!... UMM... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAITLIN WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The PERFECT school year

I would get straight A's, and Geometry would die. I HATE GEOMETRY! MAN DOES IT SUCK!!! It is THE only class I don't have an A in. I HATE IT AAAGGHHHHH!!!! Also, I would get free food every day. AND MORE BATHROOM BREAKS! I always need to pee... What else... Ummm, everyone would be nice to me, and no one at school would be bullied, and I would have a gay best friend. That is my wish.

Monday, October 31, 2011

What is the difference between living and existing?

This is a good question! Existing means that you're just...there. I mean, you can exist and yet have nothing to live for. Existing is boring; life means nothing to you and you are alive just for the sake of being alive. Living is where it's at. Living is doing something with your life, having something or someone to believe in and having something to look forward to. Living is existing but doing something with your existence.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What leads people to greed and selfishness?

Money does! Whoever said, "Money makes the world go 'round" was probably a selfish person. Powerful people always do things for the sake of earning money, and that's pretty greedy. Why else would big companies put out bad products and make people false promises? They want our money, and they're going to lie and cheat until they get it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's one piece of advice I would give to the world?

Dear world,
Please stop stereotyping me. Just because I'm Asian, it doesn't mean I have to be smart or have to have monolids. Also, not all Filipinos have dark skin. I don't. Just letting you know.

Love, Bianca

And that's my advice to the world! I'm not bitter about anything, but I don't really like being confined to a label. It's fine when people bring something up relating to your culture or background just to make conversation, but not when they judge you based on predetermined assumptions. Stereotypes aren't nice. I like getting to know a person for a little while and understanding their own view of their culture and personality before making my own judgements. That's all!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Essays kill me slowly

AP World History is not that hard. I love my teacher, the homework can be overwhelming, but it's still manageable, and I get mostly A's. But essays...NO. I hate essays! The content is so broad and you have no idea what the prompt is going to be. Since I have WHAP fourth period, I slowly go insane throughout the day. I have an essay today. I'm getting chest pain.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

TV characters I can relate to

I can relate to Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Please don't ask how I found out this show existed. Twilight Sparkle is pink with a purple mane. That's good enough for me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What I would change about Frisco

I wouldn't really change anything about Frisco. It's pretty awesome the way it is. I mean, it's not like we're in Dallas where someone gets kidnapped every five seconds, or Plano where... well Plano is pretty cool too. Frisco is a really cute, suburban little city and I feel like everything you need is five minutes away. Plus, it's really clean.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The stuttering child

I can see how it can be a little frustrating for the professor to have to wait for the child to say his question, but asking the child not to speak in class is a little rude. I feel sorry for that child, because I imagine that stuttering would be extremely difficult to overcome. Poor kid! I hope that his classmates have his back like that one girl they interviewed at the end. The professor needs to get an attitude check ASAP, because he doesn't have a heart.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What is currently my biggest challenge in life?

Well, I am sick today. I got sick on Friday, and I was in bed the whole three-day weekend. The biggest challenge that I need to overcome is handling ALL THE HOMEWORK I get from AP World History, PAP English etc... I got sick because I've been doing all-nighters since the beginning of the year to get all my homework done. I need to stop doing that, apparently, because I'll never get anything done when I'm sick...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Write an encouraging message

Dear Kaitlin,

Have courage and don't be afraid to follow your heart! You are an awesome person and you should definitely go for your goals. You're going to have so much fun next Saturday, and the whole time you will be asking yourself, "why didn't I do this sooner?" GO DO IT, GIRLFRIEND.

LOVE, Bianca

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Will world peace ever be possible?

World peace is possible, but in today's world, it would be difficult. If only Ghandi would come to life, then he could tell us a thing or two about non-violence! People think that violence is the answer to everything, and that's the reason for wars and murders. Hate is at the root of violence, and people hate because of differences. Come to think of it, everyone is different, and there will always be disagreements between people. It's all the psychos in this world that make world peace impossible! If we shipped out all the psychotic, violent people to another planet, then there would be peace on Earth.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Pink out

I'm excited for Pink Out today because I love seeing the whole school in pink! It's great to see how many people care about breast cancer awareness. I haven't had any experience with the disease, but there are so many heart-wrenching stories out there that make you want to get up and do something about it. Tonight's game will be the second one I go to this year, and I can't wait to cheer on Liberty and see my friends.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I would change about society

If I could change anything about society, I would definitely change the aspect of separation. I wish that people would be more unified and help each other out instead of bringing them down. If everyone lived together in harmony, then there would be no reason for war, or hatred, or any evil act. I would still keep diversity in cultures and religions, but I would like for people to be wholly more open and accepting of others.

Monday, September 26, 2011

My biggest inspiration

I don't care how cheesy this sounds, but my biggest inspiration is definitely Jesus. I mean, come on, He's awesome! It only makes sense because I'm Catholic, and Jesus is like the best thing ever either way. I think He had a really great perspective on life and treated people well, so I want to be just like that. He didn't care what other people thought, He stood up for what He believed in until the very end. I'm not going to go out and be a carpenter or wash anyone's feet anytime soon, but I definitely want to treat people well and be a better person overall.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What picks me up when I'm feeling down?

When I'm feeling sad, I use humor to look for the silver lining in every situation. At least, long enough to get a grip of myself. If I'm in desperate need to get away from the sadness, then I would probably grab a tub of ice cream and sit in front of the TV watching reruns of That 70s Show. That always get me rolling on the floor laughing. Always.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Technically, what is hunger? When you say, "I am hungry," what are you really saying? Does it mean that your name is "Hungry" as in, "Hi, I'm Hungry, nice to meet you!" Or is hunger an emotion like "I am happy (hungry)?" This concept confuses me deeply, for I am hungry, and I do not know if I am expressing myself correctly. So, for now, I sense that hunger resides in the pit of my stomach.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Texting ban law

I think that Arlington is on the right track with this new law. Texting while driving should really be banned because too many accidents are caused by it. The rest of Texas, and the rest of the country, really, should follow this rule to save lives. Texting shouldn't even be done when a driver is at a stoplight; eyes should be on the road at all times and the driver should be paying attention to his surroundings. The truth is, no text message can ever be worth your life or the lives of other people.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Why is freedom so important in our country?

I think that freedom is what separates America from everywhere else because you can pretty much do whatever you want here. I think that we take that for granted sometimes because when you think about it, some places have it really bad. Really conservative cultures censor media or clothes or other freedoms we don't really think about here. Freedom allows our nation to grow as a culture and as a people. It influences the way we think and the way we express ourselves. Freedom is the basis of this country and is a relevant part of our lives.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My favorite piece of technology

I love my iPhone. I don't care if the iPhone 4 has a front camera or that the iPhone 5 is coming out in a couple of months, I love my iPhone 3GS. First of all, it's purple, which is the bomb, and it has sentimental meaning to me. It has all my pictures in it, all my games are saved in there, and I got some paid apps for free using this phone! I love my phone because even if I got a new phone, I'd be way too lazy to transfer all my contacts and junk. So I love my phone.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

If you could bring back any trend, what would it be?

For some reason, I want to bring back poodle skirts from the 1940s. They are adorable, and I think it would be the best thing ever if I could wear clothes with fluffy poodles on them! So cute! Plus, they look super comfortable and swingy, you could just get on the dance floor and jive or whatever dance they did back then. Bring back the poodles!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A talent I wish I had

I seriously wish that I could sing like an opera singer. I don't know why, but I feel like that would be the coolest thing ever. I would seriously belt out everything I say opera style whenever I talk. People would be impressed.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Ten years from now, I see myself in a huge house with chandeliers and a husband who is extremely attractive. I'm not really sure how or why I will be living like a person who is awesome, but I'll get there somehow. I want to be really successful doing something I love.

Friday, August 26, 2011

A haiku about hippos.

Hippos are happy.
They are gray and have good times.
In the sun all day.

by Bianca Pery :D

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why is it important to know what's going on in the news?

News, especially local news, is made for a reason, and that is for people to keep up on what is going on around the world--or at least around their neighborhood. Major events like droughts or the changing economy is something people need to be updated on in case they are going to be affected. For example, there is a warning for some people in Texas to conserve their water because of the heat and drought. If a person didn't keep up with the news and lived in that area, they might get in trouble for using too much water.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last days of school...?!

I'm sick. It's like the second to last day of school and I have the sniffles. The good news? I have Puffs Plus with the soothing scent of Vicks! They're these tissues made for stuffy noses and they smell so good! I want to go home. And it's only Thursday. Why isn't this week over yet?!

XOXO, Bianca

Friday, May 20, 2011

Last weeks of school!!!

Why must the last few weeks of school feel like they go on forever? Can't they just be one of those quick, choppy weeks like the past billion ones I've had this year? I don't think that made a lot of sense, but whatever. I want to get my magazine done! Go journalism! Yay!

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Arnold's news

I think that his news is quite scandalous. A baby? With the housekeeper?! That must have been some well-kept secret. Obviously, he'd lose a lot of respect from people in the political world, and his personal life has to be in shambles. If I was his wife, I would sue him for everything that he has.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What would I do if there were no computers?

If there were no computers, I would kill myself. Just kidding. They don't matter THAT much to me. I mean, they're the reason I need glasses now! I would rather have no computers at all than stare at a computer screen all day long. That's not living! If there weren't any computers in the world, I would just find something else to do. Duh. Plus, I think it would be AWESOME if we all wrote with feathers and ink!

XOXO, Bianca

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My perfect day

Since my perfect NON-school day will consist of pandas and unicorns, then let me just describe my perfect school day to make things less predictable. When I first wake up, I will NOT feel like a zombie and have that horrible zombie feeling follow me around for the rest of the day. Second of all, there will be NO creepy black people (and no, I am not racist, it just so happens that the creepy people in my neighborhood are black) creeping on me at the bus stop. On the bus, my bus buddy and I will have a fulfilling conversation about pandas. At school, everyone will complement me and I get amazing grades on everything. Then I win at life. Yay!

XOXO, Bianca

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Would I want to live forever?

I would want to live forever, but only on one condition: I get to choose what age I want to be frozen. I wouldn't want to live forever and be all old and gross with like skin falling off, but I would want to be young forever. Think about all that I can do! I can save the pandas with all that time! I would use my time to make the world a better place.

XOXO, Bianca

Friday, May 6, 2011

Space Exploration

My thoughts on space exploration? I guess it's a good thing, but you know those kids who aspire to be astronauts? I think they're setting themselves up for a lot of disappointment. Do you know how much time it takes to get to space? And I'm talking years here. Plus, the astronauts come back to earth all weak and brittle. But thanks, astronauts! I'm going to laugh when we find aliens one day and they're really mean.

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

My initial reaction to Bin Ladens's death was this: "You mean he was alive like two days ago?! I thought he was dead in the first place!" Yes. This is proof that I never EVER keep up on current world events. I think it's pretty dramatic how this is all unfolding. One event after another. Cue earthquake! BAM. Cue nuclear madness! DOUBLE BAM. Cue birds falling from the sky! BA-BAM. Hey, look, Bin Laden's dead! FREAKTUPLE BAM. This is too much for my juvenile mind! We talked about this in geography yesterday and I had really mixed feelings about our discussion. Mr J said, "It's all about perspective." I feel nervous for the future.

XOXO, Bianca

Monday, April 25, 2011

Is quality education a right or a privilege?

That's a good question. I think it might be more of a privilege for people who do have or are receiving a proper education. Not everyone gets one, and it can't precisely be called a right (or I don't think do at least) because, technically speaking, you don't really need an education to actually survive. Yes you need one to support yourself, but maybe in rural areas people don't really need the right to a proper education to like, forage for berries or something. So education is basically a privilege that puts us a couple of steps above berry-foragers. Go education!

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My most influential person

The most influential person in my life is probably my mom... HOW LAME. Just kidding! My mom is awesome and she influences me because she is really hardworking and loving. I like how I always pick my mom instead of my dad. He can be annoying. Mwahaha.

XOXO, Bianca

Love at First Sight

What a cute topic this is! And how convenient, too, since we're reading Romeo and Juliet in English (I read it out loud in a funny accent to keep from crying). YES. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT IS REAL. It's the most romantic thing ever and romantic bonds can be created through psychic energy! It's a beautiful thing.

XOXO, Bianca

Thursday, April 14, 2011

City life or country life?

This is a blog from when I was absent, and I pick city life! Usually I would want to get away from it all and reconnect with nature and all that, but today feels like a city day. There are more chances of success in the city and lots of opportunities for me to get famous! I feel like the bustling city life might be best for me.

XOXO, Bianca

How have I impacted someone's life recently?

I can't really think of how I've impacted someone's life in a positive (or negative) way. I feel kind of bad about that, too, because that means that I haven't really been doing much for other people. I should work on that this weekend and impact someone's life! Wait! I just thought of something! I gave my friend an Easter bunny pillowpet for her birthday last Tuesday! That counts, right? Yeah, I'll work on that this weekend.

XOXO, Bianca

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Which makes a better leader someone who is feared or loved?

A leader always has to be one or the other, right? I'm thinking of Obama right now, and I feel like he is neither, meaning not a lot of people approve of his decisions recently, and he certainly isn't scary. The point is, it depends on who you are leading. Stubborn, rowdy people need someone who can set them straight, while normal people need someone they can look up to. Mostly, it's nice to have a leader you actually like.

XOXO, Bianca

Friday, April 8, 2011

What's with the temperature at this school?

It's hot then it's cold, I'm sweating and then I'm shivering. I've been told that drastic temperature changes are bad for goldfish, but what about humans?! The school should have like a central temperature that goes for all classrooms; preferably complimenting the weather outside. Don't even get me started on the weather outside.

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Should sodas be sold at schools?

I honestly don't think they should, but at the same time it's really the students' decision on whether they buy the soda or not. The only reason I'm probably so indifferent is because I don't buy anything from the store anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me. And we don't even have that many "overweight" or "unhealthy" people at Liberty anyway... that I know of, at least. That sounds kind of mean! Okay, I'll just say that although healthy is nice, everyone can eat anything they want. Yay!

XOXO, Bianca

Monday, April 4, 2011

What are my thoughts on cloning?

Unless someone was cloning me, I don't like cloning. I feel like it surpasses the boundaries of human ethics by like, a lot. I don't think people have the right to play God like that, and we should just reserve cloning for medical purposes. Not cloning people. Or sheep named Dolly.

XOXO, Bianca

Thursday, March 31, 2011

How do the TV shows I watch affect me in real life?

That's a good question because I think that media is definitely one of the biggest influences on teenagers today. Let me think about the TV shows I LOVE... Well, I've been watching the Kardashians like, A LOT. I don't really see how that affects me in real life, but it does make me want to be all rich and glamorous like them. But then again, the Kardashians don't really DO anything... Secondly, THAT 70'S SHOW! OMG! This affects me because I've been doing WAY less studying since I started watching That 70s Show reruns on MTV for like, two hours. But might I mention that I am now a CHANGED person? Yes, I, for once, am using my planner! To conclude my sleepiest blog ever, I would like to say that I have Taylor Swift hair today. Yay! :)

XOXO, Bianca

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Friday!

You know what that means! (singing) It's Friday, Friday, gettin' it down on Friday...hmm something something... on the weekend! Weekend! (stops singing). Yes, that was Friday by Rebecca Black. If you haven't heard it, YOU WILL SOON. I promise. It is EVERYWHERE! Random people singing it in the hall, in the bathroom, at lunch, in my head... Yeah. It is perplexing to wonder why the song is so popular, probably because it is so stinking TERRIBLE, right? But no, people are starting to fall immune to the devastating train wreck of a song that is Friday. People actually find it catchy now. It makes me wonder about the future of America's music. It looks depressing.

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A fictional place that I wish were real

Hogwarts. It's honestly the first thing that came to mind. I know there is some other fictional place that I really, REALLY wish were real. I can't remember it! I thought of this before! AGH. It probably has unicorns and and fairies... but wait, doesn't HOGWARTS have unicorns and fairies? Yes! Okay, I pick Hogwarts. I would so go to that school! I want a cool wand and a panda as a Patronus. Me: EXPECTO PATRONUM! (Cute panda figure pops out and brings joy to the world). OMG HOGWARTS SHOULD BE REAL!

XOXO, Bianca

Monday, March 21, 2011

Live only for today, and ruin your tomorrow

I think it is safe to say that most of the time, I DO NOT go by this philosophy. I hate to admit it, but I can be a wuss... I follow the rules, okay! I mean, knowing me, I hate rules, and I like to bend the rules, but I always think of the consequences before I do stuff. It's the way I was raised, and I never do anything bad! Yet my parents find ways to get me in trouble. So no, I don't do things that unnecessarily get me in trouble.

XOXO, Bianca

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How will the budget cuts impact FISD?

I really hope that nothing will happen to Liberty in particular, but I've been hearing that they've had to do some drastic cuts in other school districts. That's really sad because those people and teachers that had to be fired had children and families and cats, and that makes my heart sad! We have some really awesome teachers here at Liberty, and my heart would be triple sad if an teacher got fired from here. Boo!

XOXO, Bianca

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How would I react if I were a Wisconsin union worker?


XOXO, Bianca

Friday, March 4, 2011

Holy Cheese!

Yay! Today is the day! What day, you ask? The day of awesomeness! Yes, TODAY IS THE DAY OF MY RETREAT! I. AM. SO. EXCITED. I'm going to be roomies with my awesome friends and we're going horseback riding, canoeing, paintballing...um, canoeing... YEAH! It's going to be super duper fun! We're going to Sky Ranch in say, about EIGHT HOURS! Woop! Yayyyy retreat! YAYYYY! Pant pant pant. Have I mentioned I'm going canoeing?

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thoughts on standardized testing...

First of all, this isn't my favorite journal ever. Second, I HAVE NO THOUGHTS ON STANDARDIZED TESTING. As long as I get a high A (as usual, cough cough), then I win. Yay!

XOXO, Bianca

Friday, February 25, 2011

Relieving stress... the evil way! Muhahaha

Just kidding, I thought I'd make that more interesting because we already did this topic before. Or did I??? Well I drink caffeinated TEA, not coffee because it stains your teeth. Okay, fine, I'll tell you my evil way. I look at people from far away from between my thumb and forefinger, THEEENNN I pretend I'm squishing their unsuspecting heads and it makes me laugh! MUAHAHAHA! Like that! Or you could always be happy-slash-crazy just like me!

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Would I ever want to read minds...

Ummmmm...NO. Not really. I'm really not that curious... I'm fine... I don't want to know what people think ALRIGHT?! They might be really mean! You never know! I'll lose my mind!!! Do you know what a BETTER power though? Freezing time! So you can mess with people and when they're finally unfrozen, they'll be all confused! Haha! Okay, or I can just be normal. FYI, I do have special powers. Super panda rainforest powers! *slaps face* awkward starfish! I'm done.

XOXO, Bianca

Friday, February 18, 2011

Im hungry...

Say what?? Today's the food reviewing day?! How convenient! Yay food! My stomach will be satisfied. I'm glad I signed up for Journalism :).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

If I had a million dollars but couldn't spend it on myself...

I would use it to save the rainforest! And the pandas! Duuuhhh... I think that's what EVERYONE SHOULD DO. Yup, charity is great... ANYWAY, enough about that, let's talk about ME. I am having an awkward day. I'm still feeling drowsy from those sleeping drop-type things I consumed last evening... Now I'm losing my sarcasm. And my brainzzz... I'm feeling very sleepy... Blech.

XOXO, Bianca

Monday, February 14, 2011

What do I think about Valentine's Day

Ew. Valentine's Day. Lovers are gross. I hate loneliness. I hate love. Love is icky. I will never love. Hi, random cat, want to snuggle? That random series of sentences are some of my feelings from previous Valentine's Day experiences. Which have completely diminished! Yay, Valentine's Day! Yay love! I feel love from all corners of my heart... Happy Valentine's Day! I will share that love with the world...

XOXO, Bianca

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Wrath of the Snowpocalypse???

Well, there was a snow day yesterday, so guess what I did? STUDY! Yes, I was getting very social with my textbooks for an extra uber-duper 24 hours. But it's a good thing! I was supposed to have THREE TESTS, and a quiz in the remaining class. TURNS OUT TODAY WAS A FRAKKING B DAY. So naturally, I brought ALL MY A DAY STUFF, thanks to a helpful friend who told me today was an A day. Thanks, friend. Now I will suffer with a CHRONICALLY ALTERED SPINE AND ABNORMAL SHOULDER POSITIONING! I also brought waaayyy too many jackets today, thanks to my mom who told me today was the coldest day of the decade or something. BOO SNOW! Booooooo!!! On the bright side, I did learn how to make a snowman with a spoon.

XOXO, Bianca

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Christina Aguillera butchering the national anthem

I personally didn't see her humiliate herself in front of the entire nation, but I do know one of the dancers who said she was mortified afterward. But come on, cut her some slack. I don't even know the national anthem. My rendition goes: OH SAY CAN YOU SEEEEE.... da da da da da (awkward turtle moment).... the land of the FREEEEEEEEE and the hoooommmeee of the BRAAAVEEEEE (cue spirit fingers).... See? It's a tough song. My version is awesome though, right? RIGHT?!

XOXO, Bianca

Monday, January 31, 2011

What are the positive and negative aspects of the Super Bowl coming to Texas?

Um, here's one: I really, really, REALLY don't care. At all. Here's a better question: Why are Texans so weird about football? I swear, there are better things to care about... ANYWAY, it'll be good for businesses that so many people are coming in. You know, raising prices to like 5 million percent more and advertising and whatnot. Maybe I can spread the word about pandas!!!

XOXO, Bianca

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Conflict resolution! (and not just by knockout)

No matter how awesome you are (or think you are), people WILL try and go against you. I can relate to this firsthand. Awesome people tend to do awesome things, and other people can be jealous and try to question your awesomeness. So resolving ludicrous conflicts such as these will indeed be important to master when you are covered in awesome sauce such as myself. OORRR, to completely eliminate the need for conflict resolution in the first place, everyone else can simply give in to my greatness. Then I win!

XOXO, Bianca

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Advice for Miley Cyrus...

If I could give Miley Cyrus some advice, it would probably go like this:

Dear Miley,
You're a butt. Why are you doing this do yourself? Do you know how many little naive, unsuspecting kids look up to you? How do you think they feel when they search up your name and the first thing they find is you smoking from a bong? Not very good. Or maybe they might follow your awesome legacy because what you were doing looked like a good time! Do you think we like watching your downfall? Okay, maybe I do, but think about the CHILDREN! That is, if you can manage to get your act straight long enough for you to think clearly... You know what? Do whatever you want. It's actually kind of funny watching you make a complete fool of yourself. Oooh, start a reality show! Yeah, and one episode can feature the cast of Jersey Shore! You guys have SO much in common! Now there's some good advice.

XOXO, Bianca <3

Friday, January 21, 2011

How others describe me...

How I would describe myself? Better than everyone else! How others would describe me... I don't really care. In a world in which I hypothetically do care though, I would think it probably include the words "butterfly," "pandas," "rainforest," "fashion," "sarcastic," "weird," and "covered with awesome sauce." "Indescribably gorgeous" is also a plausible option. But we already knew that :).

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Stories that are overcovered... hmm... how about... NOT the pandas and the rainforest! I don't know what stories are overcovered. I'm betting it's everything because I do NOT see any freaking rainforest coverage. So I really don't care then :).

XOXO, Bianca

Friday, January 7, 2011

Exams...and stuff

They are looming upon us... Midterms! The fate of my future depends on it... I shall study my butt off (yes, even on the half days). This is probably my lamest blog ever... I've already talked about pandas and unicorns and my amazing future, huh? Hmm... I'm tired! Waffles!

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What's going on in Arkansas?

Dead fish? Birds falling from the sky? A law stating you go to jail if you pronounce Arkansas Ar-kansas? Yeah. Some crazy $*#! is going on there. (Those random symbols are Spanish for "waffle") Some say it's the end of the world as we know it. I say shut up! No, the world is NOT ending in 2012, and you can take my word for that, too. It's just some stupid propaganda that people use to make money. Yes, you're right, that's exactly like the swine flu! Besides, I STILL HAVE UNFULFILLED HOPES AND DREAMS! So the world just has to reschedule when it's going to end. Oh, and Arkansas? You have some serious issues.

XOXO, Bianca

Why people are bad at New Year’s Resolutions

We really just forget about our resolutions throughout the year. It’s fun to make them, but nobody really follows through because we set really hard resolutions for ourselves. So we should set really easy, achievable resolutions like say, I will remember to breathe this year. There. That should be attainable. Unless you're like, REALLY bad at keeping resolutions. Then that should suck for you! Hahaha! Breathing. Ehem. Yeah. I just broke my resolution right now. Mine is not to be weird for this year. Was that a weird thing to say? Whatever. 

XOXO, Bianca