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Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Wrath of the Snowpocalypse???

Well, there was a snow day yesterday, so guess what I did? STUDY! Yes, I was getting very social with my textbooks for an extra uber-duper 24 hours. But it's a good thing! I was supposed to have THREE TESTS, and a quiz in the remaining class. TURNS OUT TODAY WAS A FRAKKING B DAY. So naturally, I brought ALL MY A DAY STUFF, thanks to a helpful friend who told me today was an A day. Thanks, friend. Now I will suffer with a CHRONICALLY ALTERED SPINE AND ABNORMAL SHOULDER POSITIONING! I also brought waaayyy too many jackets today, thanks to my mom who told me today was the coldest day of the decade or something. BOO SNOW! Booooooo!!! On the bright side, I did learn how to make a snowman with a spoon.

XOXO, Bianca

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