About Me

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What are your thoughts on time travel and the possibility of aliens?

I do believe in aliens! It is a fact that aliens are real. It's just a fact. People just blow it out of proportion by making such a big deal about it and creating hoaxes. I mean, what else could be in Area 51? OBVIOUSLY ALIEN BODIES FLOATING IN LIQUID MATTER! DUH! We can't possibly think that in this universe, we're the only life forms, right? We can't! Aliens exist and even though they're not planning on the demise of our planet any time soon, they're still there! With time traveling, eh, we just shouldn't mess with it. It's too dangerous and stuff... Unless I was put in charge of it! I would totally make the world more awesome! Not just by putting a giant statue of myself in every home in the planet... You know what is awesome? Freezing time! If I could have any power, that would totally be it! Think of all the things I could do... A few specific people better watch out! MWAHAHAHAHA! 

XOXO, Bianca

What I will remember most when I leave Liberty

Oh GOSH I want to leave right NOW! High school sucks! There's no other way around it. Really? High school is seriously RIDICULOUS and STUPID. Why are we even sentenced to high school in the first place? It's like water boarding! Agh. Why?? The weirdest part is, all of this won't even matter in what, three years? I mean, if you're an adult and all you talk about is how popular and cool you were in high school, then you're probably a loser. High school is just another one of things that stupid adults make us go through to make our lives miserable. It's just getting in my way to all my goals and dreams! Ten thousand hormone-crazed teenagers in one building is NOT a good idea. What were they thinking? That's right, they weren't! High school in America is ridiculous, gah. Not that I dislike friends, parties, social activities, nor do I enjoy waking up at 6:30 am to go to school and homework (EVIL!),  but that doesn't make high school any better! Get me out of here! I'm moving to Sweden. People are actually normal there. What I will remember most from Liberty High School is the joy and relief I will feel when I leave this place for good. Of course, how can I forget crushing all my enemies?

XOXO, Bianca

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What if I were rich...

Rolling in money is something I always daydream about. You know what makes it even more satisfying? My dreams are going to come true! I'm going to be successful one day, duh. My best-selling book series and fashion line will pay for my designer clothes, and efforts to save the rainforest! Plus, I will give half my money to my family, so don't think I'm doing this all for my own personal gain! If that plan doesn't work out, then I'll just marry a rich older guy. Obviously.

XOXO, Bianca

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why is it important to get along with those around you?

Wow, this is something I cannot stress more... It's super important to get along with people you see everyday! I mean, it's not very pleasant to loathe the sight of someone you see every day of your life (trust me, I know what it feels like) and always be in a cranky mood just because of that one person. It really sucks! You come in each day seeing that person's face, and gets you all riled up because you know you're not going to have a nery good day at all; all you're going to be doing is imagining different ways you can make them die slowly. It happens to everyone. Not just me. Now, imagine being super-amazing friends with everyone around you, always laughing, getting along, and hugging and other things in that category. You will for sure always have a great day, and even better, you will see the world in a different light. A good, super-amazing light. The world will be in balance. And so will your inner spirit! I think Ghandi said something like that... or maybe Buddha. Well, be nice to everyone and you will be showered with metaphorical rose petals. Bianca said that.

XOXO, Bianca

Monday, October 18, 2010

If I could have any job in the media, what would it be?

I would be the STAR! I wouldn't be behind the scenes longing to know what it feels like to be in the spotlight; I would be making it happen! I'm pretty sure that I'm meant to be stealing the show. I can imagine that so vividly! Living life in the eyes of the public, people watching my every move, girls longing to be in my shoes... YES! I love it. I would totally be the most amazing role model ever.

XOXO, Bianca

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What does it mean to be comfortable in your own skin?

Ah, the ultimate quest of every modern high school student. Similar questions include "Who am I?" "Why can't people accept me for who I am?" "Why can't someone normal ask me to homecoming? Is that too much to ask?" Well, everybody wants what they can't have. The pattern is somewhat evident. A person longs to be "cool" and "popular," they attempt to be those qualities, and then they either fail or succeed. Those who fail soon give up and realize they have to accept themselves for who they really are. Good for them! Those who succeed in being accepted by the cool crowd are often considered the lucky ones. But are they really? How do we know that their lives aren't really a lie? How would we know how much they have to fake just to feel accepted and worshipped? They are not really, as you would say, comfortable in their own skin. They are living in someone else's. They are living in someone else's seemingly perfect shadow. They're fake people, so don't even start with me on all the "popularity is the key to life" crap. The truth of the matter is, some people really aren't who they say they are, and they might not even know it. Eventually, everybody finds their true self at some point in their lives, and that's when they can start to live up to their own potential. You can't be all you're meant to be when you can't even accept yourself the way you are. Before you start obsessing over what other people think of you, know how you think about yourself. So we should all just be ourselves. Dance like nobody's watching, and live like there's no tomorrow.

XOXO, Bianca (a girl that's awesome just the way she is :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cute Giant Pandas!

I love pandas! They are without a doubt my favorite animal ever. I love how they are so lazy - just like me! Their life consists of a not-so-complicated cycle of sleeping and eating bamboo, and that's pretty much all they do besides going to the bathroom. They are so cuddly, fluffy, and not threatening at all! Why wouldn't you love pandas? Exactly - it's impossible! The only thing is, Giant Pandas are endangered, and if they continue to decline in population, we may never see them again! NO! Their lives depend on us, and we have to do something about it. I might as well single-handedly save the Giant Pandas if it's the last thing I do! Everybody save the Giant Pandas!

XOXO, Bianca

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why is it important to distinguish between news and entertainment?

Acknowledging the distinguishment between news and entertainemt is important because we need to know how to react. We generally feel good when we read entertainment stories and don't really take them seriously. When we read news stories, we should know that news deals with some heavy issues so we should take them seriously.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Victorian Era...

I think it was the Edwardian Era. Well, I'm good with either. They both just sound so romantic! I would love to live in like France or England in that time as a wealthy aristocrat, and ordering around servants. Mwahaha! Just kidding, I'm not like that (or am I?). I would probably be the one to get in trouble for feeding the servants behind the scenes and nonchalantly tossing around bread crumbs upon the ground for the birds - kind of like how old people feed pigeons at the park! They had like, behemoth lawns and yards back in those days, so it's the perfect opportunity to prance around with the surrounding flora and fauna... I know that I sound like I had absolutely no idea what life was like back then, but I really do! It sounds good to me!

XOXO, Bianca