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Saturday, September 11, 2010

They Say That Friends Come and Go...

They say that friends come and go...but when they go, they have to have a legitimate reason, right? What if he/she was one of your really good friends, and you already promised the other person that you would never hurt them? What if when you start high school, you see each other for the first time in a while and everything is alright? What if you start texting each other again like nothing ever changed? What if a few days later, that person starts ignoring you? What if as weeks go by, they start treating you less like a stranger and more like a pariah? What if... this was a reality? Well guess what? There are no "what if's." Right now, this is my reality. And personally, my reality just sucks. This person has been my really good friend for a long time (or so I thought) and now I just don't know what's going on. I did nothing wrong. They say that friends come and go, but they also say that when true friends meet again after a separation, it's as if nothing had ever happened. Well now I know that this person wasn't a true friend. She has served her time in my life. And now she is disposable. Just like our friendship. Ignorance is her new best friend.

XOXO, Bianca

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