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Friday, April 5, 2013

FREE WRITE: What if technology went away

What if, right now, technology just went away? I would love to see what would happen. There would be no more texting, social media or anything. Just life. Oh my goodness. I know I'n in Newspaper and I own a phone, but I would not mind having a day to just enjoy the world around me. I do that anyway with technology, but the people around me always seem to constantly be on their phones, checking what's going on in other people's lives. Do you know what happens when you're on your phone? Life happens. I find it so rude when people are on their phones while I'm talking to them, or when we're in the middle of something or hanging out. Does life not offer enough satisfaction anymore? Do we constantly have to be checking updates of other people's lives? Is the only way to partake in the human experience through a tiny screen? There are three dimensions of experience waiting to happen, and we have five senses to experience them. Technology satiates the visual appetite but makes the soul grow cold. We will eventually grow numb to the visual appeals, which constantly try and become bigger and better, and hopefully then, people will look for something more substantial, something technology cannot offer.

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