About Me

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why is it important to get along with those around you?

Wow, this is something I cannot stress more... It's super important to get along with people you see everyday! I mean, it's not very pleasant to loathe the sight of someone you see every day of your life (trust me, I know what it feels like) and always be in a cranky mood just because of that one person. It really sucks! You come in each day seeing that person's face, and gets you all riled up because you know you're not going to have a nery good day at all; all you're going to be doing is imagining different ways you can make them die slowly. It happens to everyone. Not just me. Now, imagine being super-amazing friends with everyone around you, always laughing, getting along, and hugging and other things in that category. You will for sure always have a great day, and even better, you will see the world in a different light. A good, super-amazing light. The world will be in balance. And so will your inner spirit! I think Ghandi said something like that... or maybe Buddha. Well, be nice to everyone and you will be showered with metaphorical rose petals. Bianca said that.

XOXO, Bianca

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