About Me

Thursday, February 28, 2013

What shoe describes me?

Ballet flats, period. I wear them all the time, and I feel like they conform to my feet the best compared to other shoes. And plus, ballet flats have the cutest name. OH, and you can have different designs and bows and stuff. I can't believe I'm analyzing a shoe right now. So anyway, ballet flats. Cool.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What role should the government play in people's lives?

Well. Clearly this is the question which answer is open to discussion, to put it lightly. Generally, Republicans are for little government interference while the Democrats are all about federal intervention. In short, the government is supposed to do whatever it takes to keep its people safe. It's a good idea, but if you think about it (which is the government's job), what does that even mean? Safe from terrorist attacks? OK, that makes sense, but how? By amping up national security? By waging war there before it happens here? Or should the people not even know about any threat going on? What even defines "safe"?
I personally do not know the answer to this blog question, because it's all indefinite. If you're asking me if I think the government is doing a good job protecting its people, I'll give you my definition of "safety" and give you a definite "no."

Thursday, February 21, 2013

FREE WRITE: I'm on my bed

So I'm starting early on my blog today, because one, I grasp the concept of Free Write Fridays, and two, I'm going to be pretty busy with my stuff tomorrow.
Alas, here I am, on my fluffy pink bed, waiting for inspiration to hit me.
Ouch. I think that was inspiration.
So for the past couple of weeks, I have been really struggling to get my act together (as it sometimes happens to happen), and I think it's because I am experiencing a dearth of... self satisfaction, I guess.
I just have this feeling that I am so inadequate all the time like I'm never going to amount to anything and I will always be average. I know how depressing this sounds (my reality is pretty depressing), but I feel like I fail to achieve anything I try. As a result, I am afraid to try new things or give something my all for fear of rejection and failure. What a sucky attitude I have, huh? You'd think that this would make me reach higher and try harder for my goals, but...
Wait. That actually sounds like a good plan. Why am I not doing that?
If I think about this logically...
1.) It boosts morale and self-confidence to have a positive attitude.
2.) It will strengthen my character in the long run.
3.) I might actually succeed if I keep trying.
4.) The worst that can happen is that I fail. Haven't I already been there before? Better to fail with a good attitude.
I think I just gave myself a way out of this slump (this needs to stop happening for real). I think the butt-shaped dent on my bed just deepened. Maybe I'm gaining weight.

Anyone reading would have just witnessed a lonely conversation I just had with myself. To me, it's just another day in my brain. Complicated. Unedited. Random as $#!*% (pancakes).

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

FREE WRITE: Zombie apocalypse

I DON'T MEAN TO BE A FEAR MONGERER BY TYPING IN ALL CAPS, BUT I THINK THAT THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IS A PLAUSIBLE FATE FOR THE WORLD. I'm literally obsessed with "The Walking Dead" (even though I've only seen an episode, but I know the whole story), and ever since that life-changing day, I've had the most irrational fear of zombies. I used to think that there was absolutely no way that zombies could exist, but now that I think about it, is it really that improbable? Cell regeneration? They could use that on dead people's brains and the next thing you know, we'll have brainless corpses running all over the world... For real, that is the scariest way to die ever. Getting bitten by a zombie is not something I will be looking forward to. For now, I will just be content with being safe behind the glass wall that separates me from the walker extras on "The Walking Dead".

What is the purpose of government?

The purpose of the government is to serve and protect the people by any means necessary. That's where the specificity stops. The means of carrying out that first sentence is up for interpretation. Should the federal government be involved in people's lives? To what degree should they be involved? How much should they leave us alone? What is considered immoral? Not only does the government have the duty to serve and protect the people, it also has to answer all of those questions and act in a way that best serves the people. The government has a very taxing, complicated job.

What color describes my life?

I would describe my life as rainbow colored because I'm colorful and unique like that. I mean rainbow as in different colors separated into equal segments. I like a balanced life, but that doesn't always happen. I think everyone is equal. I think everyone should let their true colors shine, saturated and unadulterated. So rainbows.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

An anchor introduction for my life

"Hello everyone, my name is Bianca. You might know me for saving the rainforest and single-handedly solving the global warming issue." So that was my introduction.

Monday, February 11, 2013

My favorite thing about life

The thing I love most about life is not knowing. I like not knowing what I don't know. Mystery keeps life interesting, and when I do know what I don't know, I like speculating about the truth. You know what else I don't know? I don't know what to say next.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How important is winning in life?

I'm just kidding.
It's a perk that comes with being amazing like I am.
Winning isn't the important part - it's getting what you deserve for the work that you put in. That's why you do your best so that you see where you stand. If you win, that's great. If you don't, then whatever.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Why do people care about the Super Bowl commercials?

I think the Super Bowl viewers that aren't die hard football fans are probably watching for the commercials. If the "entertainment" they attain from watching sweaty athletes run into each other doesn't satisfy, then the commercials will probably make up for it. They're pretty funny.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Hi. I really don't have anything to say right now. There is nothing going on in my brain that is worthy to blog about. OH. I got a Ruzzle! It's this word search app that is extremely addicting. So far, I have played like 100 games and I have only been beaten once. It was by 16 points, OK? I'm done.