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Friday, January 20, 2012

SOPA and PIPA thoughts and how they will impact me

Although I do not believe that PIPA and SOPA will be enforced due to the overwhelming amount of backlash it's received, it is a little disconcerting to realize that the government planned to censor the Internet at all. The issue makes it seem like people's rights mean nothing to them. If the government ever decide to carry out these acts in any way, they would risk infringing on our freedom of speech and freedom of the press rights. Luckily, many major sites, like Google and Wikipedia, have been speaking against PIPA and SOPA and protecting out rights, and I think it's working! From what I've heard, the decision was postponed. If the Internet were censored, that means no Wikipedia or similar idea-sharing websites. From what I assume, I would have to BUY everything - movies, music, pictures - basically everything you can find on YouTube and Google Images. This would make my life and researching 5000 TIMES HARDER than it needs to be. LIFE WOULD BE UNBEARABLE FOR EVERY STUDENT IN THE WORLD. I voted to stop the movement the other day when I found out about it, and there are probably millions of other people who have done the same. The whole world shouldn't be punished by what only a fraction of the population is doing.

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