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Monday, April 23, 2012

Why does slang lingo become so popular?

Let's go back to the root of every slang word ever... The start of every slang term comes from a few possibilities: 1.) A variation (in meaning and/or spelling) of an already existing word to better suit people's lifestyles. Example: "Swag" comes from the word "swagger" which means to walk or strut with a defiant or insolent air. 2.) A word or phrase invented in type of media like music or movies. Example: The saying "YOLO" (an acronym for "you only live once") was made popular by the song "The Motto" by Drake. 3.) People are too lazy to say words properly. Example: "Wanna" = "want to" and "gonna" = "going to" 4.) Abbreviations of phrases. We can thank texting for this. Example: "LOL", "OMG", "TTYL" and so on. I think that whole list might have answered the question, but... wait, yes, yes it DOES answer the question! It's really annoying though when the slang word of the moment is overused to the point that it gets extremely dumb and the expression loses its meaning.

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