About Me

Friday, August 27, 2010


First year of high school? Boo. The end of summer? Umm, no thanks! Getting lost in the gargantuan hallways? Gah!!! So the question remains...how can I make this year un-suckish? Well, looking cute won't hurt, and it really is important to set goals for yourself for the new school year so you have something to look forward to! Freshman year is probably the most important year in terms of high school, so I made it a point that I set high expectations for myself. First and foremost: MY GRADES! I plan to maintain a 4.0 average (unrealistic, I know...) for ALL my classes and work on my Spanish (and maybe not fail anything major). My second and last resolution is simply to be myself, have fun, and hey, maybe even make some new friends along the way! It's really amazing when you manage to stick with your friends you've known for a while, but there's never a wrong time to meet new people! Friends grow apart all the time, so it would be nice to have a broader circle of friends surrounding you who have your back anytime, anywhere. With all that said, this year is going to be fantastic!

XOXO, Bianca

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