About Me

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What's your biggest comfort in life?

My biggest comfort in life is when I have no grades below an 85. Also I am comforted when my friends and I are on good terms. The same goes with my parents. So yes, my comforts relate to my school performance and relations to people I think are important.

Monday, January 28, 2013

How does advertisement affect my daily life?

Every day I am bombarded with advertisements telling me what to wear, what to eat, and basically how to live my life. I, personally, acknowledge ads for their creativity and entertainment value rather than the product they are selling. I'll buy what I want when I need it. OK? They need to pipe the heck down. Unless Ellen is advertising it. Then I'll get it in a heartbeat.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Movie Title

If my life needed a movie title, I would call it "Death by Degrees" because I am dying incrementally. I hate school, and I'm failing life. My life is a struggle.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Has my opinion of Lance Armstrong changed?

My opinion has definitely changed; I feel cheated. Well, I'm not very emotionally attached to this guy or his accomplishments, but I'm sure many Americans are upset by this turnout because a lot of people saw him as this heroic figure. It really is upsetting to be disillusioned about something like that - something people take so personally like overcoming hardship. Especially something as impactful as cancer. People are very moved by this subject and have looked up to Armstrong for that kind of strength. It's just such a shame.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Talent show!

OK OK OK OK OK OK I'm really excited for the Talent Show. Forreal.
We're doing this song, and it's really awesome, and it sounds really cool, and I'm excited.
OMGGG. We were just rehearsing in Choir last period, and we worked out this thing, and I don't really want to say yet because I think it's a surprise, but whatever it sounds really cool and the arrangement is cool.
No diggity.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

If I was a professional wrestler, what would my ring name be and why?

If I was a professional wrestler, I would quit my job because that's dangerous. My ring name would be the "The Ghostly Galloper" because I would never show up to any matches. And I'd ride horses. I really do not like this blog topic. Wrestling is fake anyway.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Do I make New Year's resolutions?

I guess, in a way, everyone does. I mean, it's a new year! Everyone has to think something along the lines of "This year is going to be better than last year."I make personal resolutions pretty much all the time, but that doesn't mean I follow them. The reason I make them, no matter how pointless they might seem, is that they keep me optimistic. When I make resolutions, I acknowledge the fact that I am not perfect and that there is always room for improvement within any area of myself. This fact keeps me going because I know that things are always going to get better.
For 2013 in particular, I want to try and eliminate desire from my heart, because when you want nothing, you always get more than what you ask for, and then everything good becomes a blessing.